Last Call Trivia Podcast
Last Call Trivia Podcast
#161 - Which Disney Character Would You Cast in a Public Service Announcement?
Episode #161 of the Last Call Trivia Podcast begins with a round of general knowledge questions. Then, let’s hear a roar for a theme round of Animal Mascots Trivia!
Round One
The game kicks off with a Lyrics Trivia question that asks the Team to identify a Michael Jackson song based on its final line.
Next, we have a States Trivia question about the U.S. state that is known as the “Battle Born State” because it received statehood during the American Civil War.
The first round concludes with an Events Trivia question about an annual race that uses a unicorn head as its logo.
Bonus Question
Today’s Bonus Question is a follow-up to the Events Trivia question from the first round.
Round Two
We’ve got a grrrrreat theme for you today! It’s time to represent with a round of Animal Mascots Trivia.
The second round begins with a Mascots Trivia question about a cartoon cereal mascot.
Next, we have an Advertising Trivia question that asks the Team to name the Disney animal that the U.S. Forest Service used in ads before Smokey Bear’s debut.
Round Two concludes with a Logos Trivia question about the battery brand that has a logo that contains a cat jumping through the number 9.
Final Question
We’ve reached the Final Question of the game, and today’s category of choice is Cars. Rev up your engines!
The Trivia Team is asked to place five Ford models in order of when they were introduced, from earliest to most recent.
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