Last Call Trivia Podcast
Last Call Trivia Podcast
#156 - Do You Have the Feeling That You’ve Been Here Before?
Episode #156 of the Last Call Trivia Podcast begins with a round of general knowledge questions. Then, we say “bonjour” to a round of Au Francais Trivia!
Round One
The game starts with a Common Bonds Trivia question about a candy introduced in 1983 that shares its name with a term used to refer to several movie characters.
Next, we have a Companies Trivia question about the digital media player with a name that comes from the Japanese word for “six.”
The first round concludes with a Vehicles Trivia that asks the Team to identify the British “Jump Jet” which was the first plane of its era that could take off vertically.
Bonus Question
Today’s Bonus Question is a follow-up to the Vehicles Trivia question from the first round.
Round Two
Répondez s'il vous plaît, will you join us for today’s theme round? We hope you said “oui” for a round of Au Francais Trivia!
The second round begins with a Terms Trivia question that asks the Team to identify the term that refers to the phenomenon researchers describe as potentially stemming from a brief disruption between perception and memory.
Next, we have a Language Trivia question about the French translation of a Dr. Seuss book title.
Round Two concludes with a Words Trivia question about the French word for green.
Final Question
We’ve reached the Final Question of the game, and today’s category of choice is Science. We’re in our element now!
The Trivia Team is asked to place four elements in order by atomic number, from lowest to highest.
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