Last Call Trivia Podcast

#146 - What Is Your Signature Color?

Last Call Trivia Season 1 Episode 146

Episode #146 of the Last Call Trivia Podcast begins with a round of general knowledge questions. Then, it’s time to blast off for a themed round of Space Trivia!

Round One

The game kicks off with a People Trivia question about the Norse explorer who founded the first successful European settlement in Greenland.

Next, we have a Words Trivia question about an adjective that can describe both a TV character and a boxing legend.

The first round concludes with a Cities Trivia question that asks the Team to name the Jersey Shore seaside resort city that inspired the board game Monopoly.

Bonus Question

Today’s Bonus Question is a follow-up to the Cities Trivia question from the first round.

Round Two

We’re cleared for launch in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… Get ready to explore the final frontier with a round of Space Trivia! 

The second round begins with an Astronomy Trivia question about the planet in our solar system that has ice at its poles despite the average surface temperature being above 322 degrees Fahrenheit.

Next, we have a Constellations Trivia question that asks the Team to identify a constellation given its two brightest stars.

Round Two concludes with a History Trivia about Earth’s first artificial satellite.

Final Question

We’ve reached the Final Question of the game, and today’s category of choice is Companies. Let’s get shady!

The Trivia Team is given a list of five companies and asked to name the color that each of them has trademarked a shade of.

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