Last Call Trivia Podcast
Last Call Trivia Podcast
#143 - Do You Know Moose the Jack Russell Terrier?
Episode #143 of the Last Call Trivia Podcast kicks off with a round of general knowledge questions. Then, we’re celebrating man’s best friend with a round of Famous Animals Trivia!
Round One
The game begins with a Television Trivia question that asks the Team to identify a television show based on a line from its intro.
Next, we have a Websites Trivia question about a website that was mentioned in one-third of U.S. divorce filings by 2011.
The first round concludes with a People Trivia question about the alternative names for members of a specific generation.
Bonus Question
Today’s Bonus Question is a follow-up to the People Trivia question from the first round.
Round Two
Calling all the good boys and good girls, because today’s theme round stars Famous Animals Trivia!
The second round starts with a Comics Trivia question about a famous dog from a comic strip.
Next, we have an Animals Trivia question about the most well-known role held by Moose the Jack Russell terrier.
Round Two concludes with a Movies Trivia about a movie part played by a Cairn terrier named Terry.
Final Question
We’ve reached the Final Question of the game, and today’s category of choice is Slogans. Who’s hungry??
The Trivia Team is asked to name five fast food restaurants based on one of their once-used slogans.
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