Last Call Trivia Podcast
Last Call Trivia Podcast
#142 - What Do You Think of When You Hear "The Roaring Twenties"?
Episode #142 of the Last Call Trivia Podcast kicks off with a round of general knowledge questions. Then, we’re hopping in our time machines for a round of Roaring Twenties Trivia!
Round One
The game begins with an Animals Trivia question about a kind of rainforest tree-dwelling mammal.
Next, we have an Instruments Trivia question about the first successful version of a particular guitar piece.
The first round concludes with a Literature Trivia question that asks the Team to identify a novel given its first line.
Bonus Question
Today’s Bonus Question is a follow-up to the Literature Trivia question from the first round.
Round Two
Our theme in today’s game is the bee’s knees! Grab yourself a bottle of hooch and meet us at the speakeasy for some Roaring Twenties Trivia!
The second round starts with a Companies Trivia question about a guide that was first published in LA in 1926.
Next, we have a Musicals Trivia question that asks the Team to identify the Broadway musical that was based on the famous trials of 1924.
Round Two concludes with a Presidents Trivia about the future U.S. president who suffered his first election defeat when he lost his bid for student body president in 1928.
Final Question
We’ve reached the Final Question of the game, and today’s category of choice is Words.
The Trivia Team is asked to name four words that begin with the letters “Ob,” given their definitions.
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