Last Call Trivia Podcast

#115 - What's the Most Iconic Meme of All Time?

Last Call Trivia Season 1 Episode 115

Episode #115 of the Last Call Trivia Podcast kicks off with a round of general knowledge questions. Then, we’re hanging ten for a round of Surfing the Web Trivia!

Round One

The game begins with a Common Bonds Trivia question that asks the Team to identify the beer cocktail that shares its name with a 1989 song.

Next, we have an Organizations Trivia question about an international service organization that did not admit women until 1989.

The first round concludes with a Countries Trivia question about the South American country that’s known by its inhabitants as the “Country of Poets.”

Bonus Question

Today’s Bonus Question is a follow-up to the Countries Trivia question from the first round.

Round Two

Boot up those modems and routers friends, because the theme for our second round is “Surfing the Web” Trivia!

The second round begins with a Terms Trivia question that asks the Team to identify a popular Internet slang term based on its definition.

Next, we have a Memes Trivia question about Nyan Cat, a popular YouTube video and Internet meme.

Round Two concludes with a Companies Trivia question about an e-commerce company that originated in 2006 after its founder failed to open an online store for snowboard equipment.

Final Question

We’ve reached the Final Question of the game, and today’s category of choice is States.

The Trivia Team is asked to place four states in order of their entry into the United States, from earliest to most recent.

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