Last Call Trivia Podcast
Last Call Trivia Podcast
#92 - Who Are Your Favorite Television Neighbors?
Episode #92 of the Last Call Trivia Podcast begins with a round of general knowledge questions. Then, we’re bringing things full circle with a round of Fractions Trivia!
Round One
The game starts off with an Alcohol Trivia question about the French liqueur that’s used in both a Cadillac margarita and a B-52 shot.
Next, we have a Children’s Book Trivia question about the titular book series characters that have a younger sister named Sally and pets named Spot and Puff.
The first round concludes with a Sports Trivia question about the basketball star who changed his name in 1971.
Bonus Question
Today’s Bonus Question is a follow-up to the Sports Trivia question from the first round.
Round Two
Our Team wouldn’t be complete without you, so join us for our theme round of Fractions Trivia!
The second round begins with an Anatomy Trivia question that asks the Team to identify the body part that roughly half a percent of the population has an extra of.
Next, we have a Buildings Trivia question about an iconic skyscraper on Fifth Avenue in New York City.
Round Two concludes with an Astronomy Trivia question about the planet that was the third to have a ring system discovered.
Final Question
For the Final Question of today's game, the category of choice is Television. Won’t you be our neighbor?
The Trivia Team asked to name four TV shows based on the names of the main characters’ neighbors.
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